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kiss the ground fact checking

Data dodania: 4 sierpnia 2022, 06:35

Neither does the author. He also heard about the NRCS soil health effort and my role in encouraging the agency to bring more resources to support the regenerative ag movement. Farming like nature has also been shown to reduce inputs (costs) and improve yields. And as we all know, this creates a slippery slope. Ray: Initially, when I first met the Kiss the Ground group, I told them that I was really concerned about how they should approach the landowners. The key points in Kiss the Ground. Celebrity activists, including Ian Somerhalder and Patricia Arquette, drop by to promote a suite of carbon-capture climate change solutions theyre personally involved in, from diversified permaculture to compost toilets. Work your way down the list until you find the things that youre willing to do. Its not a bad thing per se. The Lhos plateau in China, an area larger than Belgium, had become a dusty wasteland after over farming. Many countries signed, including the UK, but not the US, China or India, the biggest agricultural and CO2 producers. As a last comment, it was brought into the discussion that we shouldnt believe Savory because his decision led to the death of thousands of elephants. After turning her attention from Accounting and Project Management in London, she's returned to her scientific roots and now spends her time researching eco-options and trying to understand the truth about the eco-issues we're being increasingly presented with. Sarah is a Nutrition and Behaviour Change Coach who focuses on helping people to eat in a way that's better for their health AND for the planet. Ryland Engelhart is a philanthropist. Byck, P. (2016). Even though we werent farmers, scientists or experts we knew that together, we could still make a difference! Weaker soils need more chemicals. Hailing from Newcastle, Australia, she predominantly writes about climate and animal rights issues, alongside her work in psychology. With topsoils disappearing and temperatures rising, about 2/3 of the world is desertifying. "We should be thriving, the planet booming with life and abundance and the healthiest generation walking the earth. Repeatedly using abstractions to sum up complex issues makes people comfortable talking about soil as if there is one entity, soil, that we (who is we, anyway?) how to make a chi ball visible for beginners Keagy's Best Price Plumbing Kiss the Ground Directed by Joshua Tickell, Rebecca Harrell Tickell Documentary 1h 24m Find Tickets When you purchase a ticket for an independently reviewed film through our site, we earn an. Hi! Check out Kiss the Ground website, where you will find other ways to be involved and even learn how to Become a Soil Advocate! This will not only better their own wellbeing because they will be consuming foods higher in nutrient density, but they will also support those who are making a positive impact on the environment. Bundchen and Brady point to the health of the soil as directly influencing the health of the plants we eat and our health as well. A Case Study in a Cambodian Orphanage. Makes sense why the documentary didnt go there! Yes, whats on our plate is even more important than where its come from or buying local. They also failed to make it clear why ruminants were required. Registration confirmation will be emailed to you. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. I approached this film with professional interest, not just as a News Fellow with Stone Pier Press, but as someone trained in biology at college, regenerative farming at the Rodale Institute (three of the films agricultural experts work/ed here), and food systems at graduate school. All of us make critical decisions every day as we manage our lives and we dont consult the literature when making those decisions. Sounds pretty ambitious to champion this form of animal agriculture as a climate solution without strong empirical evidence? Something went wrong. Links to some of the recent research supporting HM, Teague, W. R. (2018). No topsoils; no food! There is one hyperlink in error. Kiss the Ground is a full-length documentary narrated by Woody Harrelson that sheds light on an "new, old approach" to farming called " regenerative agriculture " that has the potential to balance our climate, replenish our vast water supplies, and feed the world. Grazing livestock are net contributors to the climate problem, as are all livestock. Id be willing to donate it to them. Check out this map for farms local to you Regenerative Farm Map Regeneration International. Without them we will starve. It took a Gisele Bundchen and Tom Brady cameo to hit this point home. Archuleta describes the soil conservation problem as an education problem. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. But here too Garnett doesnt understand the science. forests are typically far better at doing this than grasslands, when you factor in the land that would be freed up if the entire world shifted to a plant-rich diet, there are many types of regenerative agriculture that do not involve animals, available grasslands would only be able to produce 27 percent of the countries current beef supply. The next thing I want to address, and perhaps the most important take-home message here, is the science underpinning holistic grazing is flaky at best. He did several versions of this movie. Thanks for a well-referenced and easily readable article this seems like a great resource to send to people. Kris Nichols is such a key person in this film because her discoveries have allowed for this movement to be built on cutting edge science that changes how we think about soil and landscape function., Since its not every day I get a chance to interview real-live movie stars, I shamelessly asked Gabe, Kris and Ray if they would answer some of my Inside Hollywood questions about their movie-making experiences and what impact they believe the new movie may have on the regenerative ag movement moving forward. In fact, it was the single most important thing that lead Savory to question the science regarding overgrazing. Jemima is the Head of Editorial of Plant Based News. I live in a rural area and have seen first hand the difference in soils farmed using modern, industrial methods and smaller fields farmed in a more traditional way. One thing with ruminant livestock is that when they are use as solar powered mobile composters in brittle environments, their manure, urine and saliva act as inoculates that increase soil microbiology. This form of regenerative agriculture is by no means the silver bullet that its so often portrayed to be and is certainly not what theworlds leading climate scientistsare most excited by. In the 1930s the Dust Bowl was created. However, given the notable absence of well qualified environmental scientists discussing evidence to support their ambitious claims, in favor of anecdotal experience from ranchers, just how much of the information in this documentary can we trust and reliably use to shape our food system and inform our food choices? This idea reminded me of what I learned from Cradle to Cradle. Ray: I met the Kiss the Ground group in 2015. what happens if you get a violation on interlock. Gabe: I was assured by Josh that the information I presented would not be taken out of context and he agreed to run edits by me first. Everyone can grow a bit of lettuce or chard, some leeks and some French beans in a small garden, or even most of these on a balcony! If we choose healthy foods, there is a reciprocation. The movie funders wanted to make this movie all about organic farming, but Gabe and I worked on him and showed him that organic farming can be as destructive as conventional farmingand to his credit, Josh learned what regenerative farming was all about. While I was attending the COP21 conference in Paris in 2015, I was again contacted by Josh Tickell and participated in a follow-up interview regarding the 4per1000 Initiative. We all know that science has its failings. As long as its grass-fed. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Industrial agriculture (left) causes desertification through tilling and synthetic pesticides and fertilizers. There was also no mention of tropical forest restoration which has significantly greater potential at pulling carbon out of the atmosphere compared to grazing cows on land no matter what practice is employed. Enteric methane is broken down in a short period of time, and microbial methane is the same carbon cycling and recycling over and over. This movie will also counterbalance the cowspiracy environmentalists and others with incorrect understanding of cows. It was very much positioned as absolutely crucial to confronting this climate emergency we find ourselves in. So its incredibly facile. Ganretts white paper doesnt even mention soil microbiology. Water and carbon escape into the atmosphere in enormous plumes blanketing the entire northern hemisphereshown onscreen as ominous swirls of red. That sounds catastrophic. Finally, the elephant / cow in the room (not sure which is more fitting) duringKiss the Ground is how are we going to produce enough meat using holistic grazing to meet current demands? The central tenant is that its a diet that places enormous emphasis on calories from plants and de-emphasizes calories from animal products. In COP21 in Paris, 2015. I am very optimistic. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This is how the natural carbon cycle should work. For me, its a plant-exclusive diet and for you it might be eating plant-based before dinner often the perfect place for people to start. We should harness the regenerative power of the earth and its processes. He's a lover of people and of life. But I also experienced the same misleadingparadigms from the conservative groups like Farm Bureau and other commodities groups. FACT-CHECK. Ultimately, if high consuming individuals and countries want to do something positive for the climate, maintaining their current consumption levels but simply switching to grass-fed beef is not a solution. Soil is the solution and we have numerous options and opportunities to actualize this solution as consumers, farmers, ranchers, and environmentalists by focusing on the integration of biological processes. The basic principles are: minimal tilling/ploughing, using cover crops, involving livestock in managed grazing, organic practices avoiding chemicals, composting, crop diversity and using trees and perennials as protection. Another issue with our modern methods is that we plough to remove existing plants, and then plant, or even leave the field bare over winter. Heres the big picture: a wide-screen projection of the surface of the Earth. This sounds like something else that he would likely regret in the near future. Kiss the Ground is a new, feature-length movie that explores key soil health and regenerative agricultural principles, and features interviews with a wide range of authors, experts, farmers, researchers and scientists. Directors Joshua Tickell Rebecca Harrell Tickell Writers Johnny O'Hara Joshua Tickell Rebecca Harrell Tickell Stars I honestly thought it would stand on its own. HaHa! Not to mention, I got a chuckle out of Bundchen calling Earth, Big Mama.. So sadly neither does the author of this review. Its not the most interesting topic of conversation for most, so try just mentioning a one or two of the following points and see if that gets a conversation going. Every year 40m people are displaced as their farmlands become desert. Unfortunately, Savory seems to have led himself to believe that his unscientific approach should be expanded across the world really, tear down more forests to make room for holistic grazing? A soil without organic matter becomes dirt, a mix of rock materials and cannot support life. Stardom is a complicated thing, but at least all that money and power are being put to good use. So ifKiss the Groundhad taken a more evidence-based approach and included dietary recommendations what would it have looked like? Despite the documentary not spelling it out, its very clear. If we adopt regenerative farming practices, we can reverse carbon release into the atmosphere and stabilise the climate, and it wont take long! Heres below are just a handful of recent PEER REVIEWED papers supporting HPG. Get our weekly editors newsletter & special offers delivered right to your inbox! The Lhos plateau in China is where settled agriculture first began. All chemical soils are almost devoid of microorganisms, so the plant roots cannot get the nutrients they need. Despite all of this, my fear is that many will be left with a complete misunderstanding of where environmental science truly lies. I enjoyed Woody Harrelson as a narrator; he felt genuine. Ryland is also the producer of The Kiss the Ground documentary and the co-creator of the Required fields are marked *. Its clear to see that levels of CO2 in the atmosphere above the main agricultural areas increase significantly in the main tilling/ploughing months, and then as plant cover increases in the fields, it drops! Juries have now even started to pay out to people who have developed cancer after using glyphosate!! Before we get into a few major claims made inKiss the Groundthat are directly at odds with scientific knowledge, I want to preface this entry by saying that I wholeheartedly supportregenerative agricultureas a goal and think the documentary did a great job bringing light to the detrimental impact that intensive animal agriculture is having on our planet. The film uses creative graphics and visuals, along with striking NASA and NOAA footage, and illustrates how, by drawing down atmospheric carbon many of humankinds most pressing climate and environmental problems can be solved. Why? 3 Unclear about how the proposed solutions would affect our diets. BookstoreBook submissionsNewsNewsletter signupRecipesGardening, Our storyGet involvedJobs/FellowshipPartnersContact usPrivacy Shipping & return policy. This is actually seen using satellites which monitor the CO2 levels. Share this article or talk about the importance of soils to your friends. kiss the ground fact checking In other words, his claims cannot be supported by data, replicated by others and he doesnt believe in science. This seems like pretty important information that was left off the table. Ive listed these below in short, and then we will go through each together looking at the claims made and where the science lies: (These have also been covered in detail with Environmental Researcher Nicholas Carter (co-author of this article) in episode 104 and 111 on thePlant Proof podcast). Whats very interesting is the ability of grazing animals to regenerate grasslands from desert, and reduce desertification. Did you know that we can save the world with soil? Remember that the decision to depopulate the elephants when Savory was with the game department was a result of the current science among wildlife researchers. But the #1 US crop is GMO corn, sprayed with Glyphosate, which is now found in their drinking water and kills the microbes in our guts. Rising animal production and consumption, whatever the farming system and animal type, is causing damaging greenhouse gas release and contributing to changes in land use. Ultimately, a covered planet is a healthy planet Earth needs to be covered in plants. Holistic management is a decision making framework which has been developed over the years to deal with complex situations. By practicing regenerative agriculture, a no-till, chemical-free system designed to bolster and protect soil health, we can grow healthier plants, sequester more carbon, and ultimately reverse climate change., Narrator Woody Harrelson calls regenerative agriculture a simple solutiona way to heal our planet and asks viewers to save our soil in hopes the soil might just save us., The short version: Growing food with regenerative agriculture leads to healthier soil, better food, cleaner skies, and clearer water. But its the reality we face. Sustainability, 7(10), 13500., Teague, W. R., Dowhower, S. L., Baker, S. A., Haile, N., DeLaune, P. B., & Conover, D. M. (2011). Yes, theres no doubt ruminant poop can help improve soil quality, butthere are many types of regenerative agriculture that do not involve animalsoranimal manureand others that act as sanctuaries using animals on their land without sending them to slaughter. Practically speaking this looks like the plate below perhaps this could be The Regenerative Plate that Kiss the Ground adopts in their communication going forwards. This is a huge problem. Sign up for the latest courses, learning resources, news and events. Data from almost40,000 farms, and 119 countries, clearly shows us that a plant-based diet results in less greenhouse gas emissions, less pollution, less ocean acidification, and uses less water and land land which we can therefore free up and convert to forests to rapidly sequester carbon from our atmosphere. Rousing speeches have their place in communicating the gravity of the situation to the public, funders, and policymakers, but its not a framing that suggests concrete action, or even a plan. After looking at all of the available evidence on holistic grazing, and claims made by the likes of Savory, the report concludes that grass-fed livestock are not a climate solution. Why not let the viewer know what theworlds leading climate scientists have to say about diet? Seven years in the making, the movies thesis proposes that by regenerating the worlds soils, humans can rapidly stabilize Earths climate, restore lost ecosystems and create abundant food supplies. Gabe: No, but only because I am on to the next project, bringing society together in supporting regenerative ag. Overlaying it, a swirling heat map of global atmospheric carbon, changing from dark red to cool blue over the course of a year. So cows can actually be used to reverse desertification. Over the years, tilling causes the soil to dirt, leaving it vulnerable to erosion and desertification. Our mission stands strong: to awaken people to the possibilities of regeneration and inspire participation in the regenerative movement. For a climate change documentary its actually vey upbeat, because this is the way we can not only slow, but reverse global warming, sucking CO2 out of the air to stabilise our climate again. The animals themselves arent the problem, where and how is the issue. Gabe: An increased awareness as to how and why all society should come together to work on the 80% of the things we can agree on such as loss of biodiversity, water quality and quantity issues, poor farm profitability, the decline of rural America, climate change and human health. Theres nothing Netflix and chillabout that. The elephant in the room during the documentary is that they completely failed to mention that a significant amount of the land dedicated to animal agriculture across the world (not all but certainly a lot) needs to be restored to forests (the number one driver of deforestation is animal agriculture) to get anywhere close to meeting our climate goals. Suggestions for viewers to compost and eat a plant-based diet come off as both insignificant and off the mark after the grand scheme of carbon cycling via production agriculture the whole film had been setting up. Bare ground is hotter in the day, and cooler at night; threatening the microorganism populations within, and increases water evaporation, as the ground temperatures rise, the soils become dryer, again, impairing the ecosystem the microorganisms exist within. Theres no sense in wasting a precious resource like attention by skirting the truth that transitioning to regenerative agriculture, or changing any entrenched industrial-economic system, is a lot of work. Personally, I think its a must watch for people to truly understand the situation we are in with the soils, why its important to save our soils, and how we can help. Please check your entries and try again. Eco-friendly eating - better for your health and the planet :). I promise not to sell your information, and if you don't like what I send, you can easily unsubscribe at any point. Why? It does include grazing planning and management, but also many other things. Your email address will not be published. Just consider the thousands of peer reviewed papers advocating this diet or that diet and the people in the US are still among the most malnourished in the developed world. worlds leading climate scientists have to say about diet? Unfortunately, there are still very few about, especially in the UK. reduce the burden of chronic disease in our communities,,,,,, The French Minister for agriculture proposed a 4 in 1000 plan, to increase the organic content of our soils by 0.4% per year. And lets not forget, this is the same man who ordered40,000 African elephants to slaughterbecause he incorrectly thought they were damaging the land. If you have found your way to this article, I can only assume that we have something in common: both of us want to see a better world where humans and all life on earth is thriving. Here are five things I learned from Kiss the Ground. Its especially interesting to me as I am working towards a biology degree and hope to become a soil scientist. On-the-ground agricultural practices carried out by millions of individual farmers directly affect the health of the soil, and by extension, global atmospheric carbon levels and the pace of climate change. 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A revolutionary group of activists, scientists, farmers, and politicians band together in a global movement of "Regenerative Agriculture" that could balance our climate, replenish our vast water supplies, and feed the world. We can all make some simple changes for massive benefits to our health and footprint. Ray: As they say, He who has the gold makes the rules, so there was a lot of pressure to have Josh, the director, slant this movie towards veganism, messaging cows are bad, eat less meat, carbon footprint, and organic farming will save the world, kind of stuff. A degenerative system that decimates life in our soil, releases immense amounts of greenhouse gas emissions into our atmosphere, pollutes our waterways, and disrupts the biodiversity and biology on our land and in our oceans. But the agreement is that all of the richest grasslands in the world have large grazing animals. Did you have any reservations about appearing in it? Their mob grazing action and the impact of their hooves is important. Early farming was small scale, so diversity was ensured, and combined the animals with plants, so the manures could be used as fertiliser, and crops grown on the land could feed the livestock. There are three main points I want to make about holistic grazing that are important for you to understand. This is bio sequestration using plants to capture and store carbon. Sure, its easy to see with our own eyes that there is more life on land that is managed in a regenerative way, but in order to really know that it is a climate solution, we would need evidence that carbon levels in the soil are not only increasing but increasing by more than the emissions emitted by the animals involved in the system. Copyright 2021 Understanding Ag, LLC | Website by RVT Solutions. Two-thirds of the worlds land is currently desertifying leading to millions of climate refugees and further environmental destruction. Since chemical agriculture ramped up in the 70s, we have lost 1/3 of the worlds topsoil. Kiss the Ground has the perfect documentary mix of celebrity activists and wise elder scientists. All natural systems exist in balance, with a diversity of plants and animals. However, there is a slight problem with the way they presented the information from the Drawdown report. The NFL quarterback goes to bed earlier than any college student has ever dreamed of, and his diet is impeccably healthy. care as a social process). It also doesnt spend most of its time talking about whos to blame, and its actually mostly about looking for solutions for our futures, and did include suggestions about what we, as ordinary people, can do. My hope is that this film will give consumers, farmers, and ranchers all of us the hope, courage and knowledge to choose biologically-based practices and tools to regenerate soil. Gabe: I would have liked the movie to highlight the importance of grazing animals. The bonus being that plant-rich dietary patterns just so happen to also be whatmajor health institutionsand progressive Government departments likeHealth Canadaare advocating for to tackle rising rates of obesity and chronic disease, and improve quality of life. Ill start with the hardest and get easier. Ganrett also doesnt have a clue how tropospheric hydroxyl oxidation works. Because whereKiss the Groundlacks in science, it makes up in celebrity power with the likes of Woody Harrelson, Jason Mraz, Ian Somerhalder, Gisele Bndchen, and Tom Brady all featured. These animals then emit greenhouse gases. Although, when I watched it for the third time, it became obvious that the biology 101 lessons from Ray were cleverly used to dance around the fact there is no solid science to back up Savory and Browns claims. Gabe: I agreed to become involved because when Josh explained to me that the purpose of the documentary was to highlight how farming organically could improve our planet, I knew I needed to help bring his understanding of soil health and ecosystem function to a higher level.

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